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Contacting Representatives



-some thoughts on ways to get an email/letter noticed and how to structure it to get them to take action



1. Subject LIne: Should be something that the senator wants to read. Not something s/he is going to groan when they see it.

2. First line: Should acknowledge their work and/or interests as they relate to the topic. "Thank you for your xxx. I know you care about xxx."

3. The next line should clearly state your 'ask' "I writing to ask you to xxxx"

4. The next few lines should contain compelling data that supports your question. "xxx people yyy due to" "research by xxx shows yyy"

5. The next paragraph should include a short personal narrative about you or a person(s) who've suffered. Make it TOUCHING. Include CHILDREN, FUTURES, if you can.

6. The next sentence should include an "assumed close." ie: "I'm sure you know why xxx is such an important issue for you to address."

7. The next sentence should remind them what's in it for them. "Your constitutents (voters, businesses, etc.) look to you to take a lead on this xxx issue as you have on this other issue yyy."

8. The next affirms that you will be their supporter if they'll support your issue. "I am ready to help you however I can as you do xxx for this issue."

9. The next holds them accountable. "Please respond to this letter with your intended response to my appeal. "

10. The next gives them a heads up that you are not going away. "If I do not hear back from you sooner, I will contact you xxx date." (They are UNLIKELY to get back to you. BUT DO NOT forget to follow up. I can help with the follow up note/call, etc.)

11. Close: thank you for considering (doing the very specific thing you want them to do). I am eager to see you (do the very specific thing). Sincerely, (YOUR NAME) (YOUR ADDRESS) (YOUR PHONE NUMBER)


thanks Andrea :)


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